Low back pain is one of the most common complaints people suffer. Eighty per cent of the population will suffer back pain at some time in their lives. Chiropractic can help by restoring normal motion and relieving muscle spasm and pain. Restoring normal function is the key to long-term improvement.
Lengthy sitting (e.g. computer work and commuting), prolonged standing or slow walking (e.g. shopping) can all produce postural changes which stress the back. By restoring normal movement and function chiropractic can relieve and help to relieve general, acute/chronic low back pain.
The Chelmsford Chiropractic Clinic has a state of the art digital x-ray system on-site or easy referral for private MRI should we need to carry out further investigation.*
*In accordance with Bronfort et al. chiropractic & osteopathy 2010, 18:3: manual therapy (which may include spinal manipulation, mobilsation or massage) has shown moderate or high quality evidence for acute, subacute and chronic low back pain.